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Hands-On Server

AWStats exclude IP

Are you looking for Awstats exclude IP option? Webmasters often need to exclude home IP address from the website statistics. This gives a more accurate report about the site visitors. Fortunately, there are multiple ways […]

Spam filtering by DNS Blacklist
Server Config

Anti-Spam DNSBL

Email Anti-Spam filtering and DNSBL All modern mail servers have a “DNSBL” feature (sometimes called “RBL Servers” or “Blacklist”). A DNSBL is a “Domain Name System Block List”: A list of IP address ranges or […]

Echange EDGE Anti-Spam Agents
Server Config

Exchange Edge Anti-Spam Agent

Install Specify the internal SMTP servers in your organization To see Detailed information Use the Exchange Management Shell to enable or disable content filtering Use the Exchange Management Shell to enable or disable content filtering […]